This was ESPN's primetime game, designed to reveal UM as "back" on the national scene.
This is a game UM was SUPPOSED to win.
UM is in year 4 of their rebuilding process. FSU is in year 1.
UM has the more talented team, and most of that talent is upperclassmen. FSU is also very talented, but the great majority of their talented players are Freshmen & Sophomores. FSU starts only 6 Seniors on the entire 2-deep roster...only 2 of which (Ponder & Hudson) can be deemed "irreplaceable".
UM is also not learning a COMPLETELY new defensive system and having to replace all but 1 coach on the defensive staff.
UM was playing at "home"....even if it's 20 miles away from campus.
So what happened???

....But this isn't so much about the University of Miami football teams as it is about the FANS of the University of Miami football team:
They are colossal JACKASSES. At least 95% of them.
The douchebaggary of UM fans is exceeded ONLY by the douchebaggary of UF fans.
The fans' reaction(s) were predictable. They booed (in the 1st half). They left the game early. They called for Randy Shannon's head (most reasonable reaction of all). Best of all, they talked shit to FSU if Miami had not just absorbed their worst ass whooping in the last 13 years of the series.
The reactions weren't just absurd...they were DELUSIONAL.
This is an ACTUAL text-message from a die-hard Canes fan:
"OMG u guys won like 1 game out of like 10 meetings u still sux...Da U fucked up 2nite ....Enjoy because it wont happen again!!!"
This guy never attended the University of Miami. Just like the vast majority of Canes fans.
Listen jerkoff - FSU has won 4 of the last 6 matchups (including the last 3 in Miami), and is a dropped pass in the End Zone from three-in-a-row.
From Facebook:
"Whatever.. "UM" is better everyone knows it!"
OK, so since you say it is so.....that makes it so??
UM just got blown out by their biggest rival at front of virtually their ENTIRE recruiting class that they invited to this game.
Shitty coaching, no University support, can't recruit worth dick, NO player development. UM is only "better" in the minds of their fans.
even when Miami is at theyre lowest, its still quite an accomplishment to defeat them. gotta love them Noles, and Gator fans...regardless if Miami wins another game this season, we are still the #1 football team in the state of florida, the most dominant football program in the last quater century, and home to the greatest college football team of all-times. Thats not self boasting, that is writting.
If the Noles, and Gators win 5 more titles each b4 Miami wins another one, you will still be mentioned 2nd and 3rd when it comes to football in the State of Florida. FACT!!!!!!
Wow. Just WOW. To claim "#1 football team in the state" coming off a 4-TD butt-fucking AT HOME is insane.
If Miami lost the rest of their games.....they would still be the best team in the state??!?!? If Miami did that--they're not even the best team in Miami.
UM was the most dominant from 1983-2001 **ONLY** because of their 5 rings. Still never matched 14-straight top-5 finishes. UM was inconsistent--don't forget the sanctions of the mid-1990's and 47-0 ass whooping FSU put on them in 1997.
Don't claim "FACT" when it is "OPINION". If UM is the best program in the state, why have they lost 4 out of 6 to FSU (FACT), and gotten blown out at home (FACT), and are getting their asses handed to them on the recruiting trail (FACT), and why are so many players that weren't shit @ UM turning into solid NFL players?? (FACT)
P.S. - "writting" is a real word--I saw it on the internet. :)
Regardless of what the U accomplishes or doesnt in the next 20 yrs, we still set the stage for college football. (FACT) We still own The Noles, and b4 there was internet, it was " WRITTEN ". These arent opinions, these are ( FACTS ) researched and proven. You said it yourself, from 84 to 01...what team do you know proved dominance for for nearly 20yrs strait. ( FACT )
UM owned BOBBY BOWDEN. He was 15-21 against Miami. That era is G-O-N-E....and good riddance. That is...a "FACT", so congrats.
"Set the stage for college football" is **NOT** a "fact". College football teams went on runs WAY ...before UM did--so learn your history.
UM did not "prove dominance for nearly 20 years straight"....UM SUCKED in the mid-90's, remember?? UM was VERY GOOD for 7-8 seasons, pretty good for 2-3 more, and SHITTY for 4-5.
FSU was top-5 for FOURTEEN STRAIGHT SEASONS. NOBODY has ever accomplished that in College Football history. Not even in basketball or baseball. "FACT"
"FSU has never defeated miami while the can were ranked in the top 10,
although miami has knocked FSU out of the top 5. proof FSU has never defeated miami whlie we were star studed, only doing the transitions of developing new ones. LOL""
CLASSIC UM fan response. Off the top of your head and COMPLETELY fuckin wrong.
#4 UM is defending National Champions, gets BLOWN OUT AT HOME by #15 FSU 38-3.
#2 UM loses to #9 2-loss FSU AT HOME 24-10. Only game UM lost all year....
#3 UM loses in Tallahassee to #1 FSU 28-10.
#8 UM loses AT HOME to #2 FSU 34-16
#9 UM loses in Tallahassee to #14 FSU in the rain. Standford Samuels knocked Roscoe Parrish THE FUCK OUT. (remember that??)
That's 5 times ONLY IN YOUR TIME PERIOD. Your "FACTS".......................aren't.
Random UM fans are one thing......moderators of UM websites are another.
"The Truth" is a moderator at Eye of the Hurricane. "Tomahawk" refers to Bud Elliot, the owner of, an FSU site with basically NO peer anywhere.
The Truth says:
October 11, 2010 at 10:23 PM
Tomahawk…I’m ready for bed but you’re pissing me off.
Let me explain something…
FSU will always grab a player or two from south Florida. There are lots of Seminole fans down here and it’s not like FSU isn’t a very respected program.
But you’re acting like Miami is 3-8 right now with gun fire on campus…
FSU will NEVER raid Miami’s kitchen.
The worst it ever got was 1997 when they came in and took a few top flight players…but Miami was on probation and, like Joiner last year, they were all big time FSU fans.
I expect drivel like this out of the mouths of your "average" Canes fan. You, however, are a moderator......and hence should have some damn sense. I would think it's a requirement of the position.
(maybe that's just at Tomahawk Nation)
No, Miami isn't 3-8 right now, but as it pertains to the perception of UM against the backdrop if it's "greatness"'s pretty close.
Funny you would bring up last year (not as funny as calling yourself "the truth", but I digress). LaMarcus Joyner is from Miami, and grew up a Hurricanes fan. He was a legit 5* player who NEVER would have gone to FSU under the "old" regime.
He's a Seminole now, but you knew that because he recorded his 1st career Int in your house.
FSU wasn't the only team that raided UM's kitchen last year.....the "state of Miami" is open for business. I literally laugh when UM fans claim they didn't "want" players or how they wouldn't get admitted. Wake the f*ck up. Randy Shannon CAN NOT RECRUIT. That legend is based on media & fan hype of **ONE** great class (2008).....which fell right into his lap. That same class, by the way, which has shown very little development. RS does not fight for recruits. If the players are not 100% ALL CANE....they simply are not coming. Last year's class was a couple of highly-rated players (1 of which is there *ONLY* because of the sanctions @ USC and the fact that his Daddy wants a rap career), and a whole lot of scrubs who will take up roster space for years to come.
Sh*tty recruiting + lack of player development + crappy coaching = program in stagnation (at BEST) or decline (more likely).
Get over yourself. We’ll see your punk ass soon enough. Count on it. I’d say it’ll be in Charlotte but im not so sure Jimbo wont cough up a hairball and lose one or 2 before December.
It is entirely possible that UM will get a rematch....but you're acting like the game was a fluke or something. This wasn't the case of a couple blown calls or a few lucky bounces--"U" straight got your ASSES HANDED TO YOU! It might benefit "U" to not show up in Charlotte...but I think UNC will take care of that for you.
FSU could very well lose 1 or 2 games (still have to play a VERY talented UF team), but they could very will win out as well (not likely--but possible), and there's no way they don't win the Division.
Get the f@ck out of here before I embarrass your dumb a*s with more anti FSU stats than you could possibly defend.
There won’t be any raiding of talent. There won’t be any Miami downfall. You won a good game no go f@ck yourself Nole
Ladies and gentlemen...."the truth" has left the building.
Fortunately, ACTUAL TRUTH is still here.
I, for one, would love to see these "anti FSU stats", but it appears to be the internet equivalent of a gun with no bullets.
To state "there won't be any raiding of talent" is asinine and moronic. IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.
Look at the S. Fla (Fort Pierce-south)seniors coming to FSU:
The best DE in S.Fl
The 2 of the 3 best DB's.
The best TE in the country
The 3 best OL
The best RB in Dade
The best WR
The best DT
Who does UM have? Not much...
NOW--not ALL of this is Randy Shannon's fault. He has sh*tty facilities, a tiny alumni base, fickle (translation - bandwagon) fans, no Stadium, and no University support.
Face facts: Donna Shalala does not care about fielding a dominant football team. She simply wants the players to graduate & not be arrested. Randy Shannon accomplishes both of those requirements....and he's cheap to employ.
Face MORE facts: Shalala loves Randy Shannon.
Shannon isn't going ANYWHERE. Be prepared to lose between 3 and 6 games every single season for a while. If UM beats FSU before 2015 I will be **SHOCKED**. Randy has a new contract, and UM does not have the $$$ to buy him out....even if Shalala wanted to--which she doesn't. They also will not pay competitive money to any quality coach, so whoever eventually takes over for Randy is likely to suck as well. This is a really, REALLY bad time to be a Canes fan. Welcome to what Seminole Nation experienced from 2005-2009.....minus the hope that a new regime brought.
These 2 programs could not possibly heading in more opposite directions. Jimbo Fisher took over and modernized/upgraded EVERY facet of the FSU program. UM is stuck in quicksand. The only question is how deep they will sink before hitting bottom.